Hello everyone!
So back in November I won these beautiful stickers from Little Plush Paper and whilst sorting out my stickers I have just realised that I haven't shared them! This is the Little Mermaid kit and it is amazing! The colours are so vibrant and beautiful and I can't wait to use it this summer. This kit is on matte paper and again the paper quality is incredible, the stickers also peel off really easily too. I definitely recommend taking a look at Veronica's shop as she has a wonderful selection of beautiful stickers. I am so excited to use this kit and I will make sure I share my spread when I use it. Thank you so much Veronica, the stickers are beautiful!
Little Plush Paper Shop: https://www.etsy.com/uk/shop/LittlePlushPaper
Mermaid Kit: https://www.etsy.com/uk/listing/473250080/matte-erin-condren-planner-stickers?ref=shop_home_active_2